
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Case Study: Kanzen Berhad: The United States and AntiDumping Duties Globalization, international business, non-tariff barriers, and international trade issues.

Introduction Globalization has become one of the biggest issues in the frugal world straightaway and beca theatrical role of the imp fleck, many things have changed - including how countries last with each other. Thus, international distribute has evolved into a complex schema of trade barriers to ensure the rampart of national help persistence and its workers interests. The trade impediments and subsidies include cherishive tariffs, mo quotas, non-tariff barriers i.e. licensing, and export subsidies. In adjunct the international laws created by the WTO, the US government in like manner employs the use of protective tariffs and export subsidies to protect and aid its domestic industry. These duties argon designed to shield the domestic industry from foreign ambition - one of the most tell tariffs the US government uses in the Antidumping (AD) duty, which is similar to the WTO Antidumping Agreement. Dumping is the change of a product on a foreign grocery store at a price less than fair tax. This practice base cause material injury to the domestic industry producing a similar product. To reverse this bother, AD is taxed on specific imports to heave their price. Although this is not a new practice, it was the archetypical time Kanzen Berhad (KB), a stainless steel subsidiary of Kanzen Tetsu Sdn. Bhd (KTSB), was set about with an antidumping exertion filed by the US industry. Mr. Eu Hong Chew, Senior handler and theater director of KB, had previous warnings that AD could quickly become a problem; however, he did not expect the US to act as swiftly as they did. The issues facing KB were: How could KTSB acquire the character reference? In the event that antidumping duties were imposed on imports from Malaysia, what should KTSB do? These questions also lead to other pressing issues such as how is antidumping genuinely calculated and is it a fair practice?... If you deprivation to invite a f ull essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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