
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cell Organelles

Notes from ?O? Level BiologyCells Summary1.Cells contain living matter called protoplasm2.Protoplasm consists of 3 partsa)Nucleus ? controls the activities of the carrel and is responsible for cellular telephone reproductionb)Cytoplasm ? where or so of the cell activities recognise placec)Cell membrane ? controls aggregates entering/leaving the cell3.Cells differ in surface and shape according to their function4.Cells group to put to shit tissues, tissues group to devise pipe organs, organs function in organ systems and various organ systems that make up an organism. 5.Diffusion occurs when molecules of a substance move from a region of higher concent dimensionn to a region of get down concentration of the substance (down a concentration gradient)6.Osmosis is a peculiar(a) kind of diffusion involving movement of wet molecules across the cell membrane to where they argon in set down concentration. It supplies the plant with water7.Active expect occurs only in living cel ls pickings up a substance against a concentration gradient8.The ratio of surface body politic to volume determines the rate at which substances will move into a cell. Membrane systems and organellesNucleus?Consists of nucleoplasm trammel by two membranes cognise as the nuclear envelope, which has perforations called nuclear pores?Chromatin, found in the nucleoplasm, condenses to form chromosomes during cell region. The denser areas of chromatin granule that are more darkly stain are called heterochromatin, and the remaining areas of chromatin are called euchromatin?Nucleolus (within the heart) is a spherical body mysterious in ribosomal RNA?Functions of the nucleus:-To control all cellular activity-To undergo nuclear division for cell replication to occur-Contain the DNA, all-important(a) for inheritance-Produce ribosome?s (nucleolus)-Produce RNAEndoplasmic Reticulum (ER)? series of membranes creating channels within the cytoplasm?2 types of ER: earthy ER and smooth ER? re stive ER is continue with tiny granules eas! ily seen with an negatron microscope. These are called ribosomes, and they play an all-important(a) role in the synthesis of proteins. Rough ER is most abundant in... If you want to get a full essay, orderliness it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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