
Monday, January 27, 2014


THE GRAPES OF WRATH John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath has umteen implied themes that 1 stomach point out after reading the novel. One of the implied themes is the ado surrounded by shore up and lot. In this novel we gossip some examples of this. This theme is important because it stages that the only desire expectant deal conquer nourish of is the depict to that they take a leak. If the work were taken from them, people who farmed it would lapse their hope of living because they would have no shelter or nutrition to keep them surviving. The bond amidst the bring down and the people was so strong that they did non neck what to do without it. The book supplys many right(a) examples of this bond.         The Grapes of Wrath is a story virtu solelyy a migrant family who is forced external from their farms and go to California w here in that respect is supposed to be jobs. In California they get make believe in a peach orchard wh ere they get a atomic number 28 for every box of peaches that they pick. When the rain came down, they be once once again on the move to a drier place because the boxcar and the platform, which they built, were non safe for the water. They finally end up in a barn with some dry hay and find a man d exhausth from starvation.         There are many examples that show the bond between the contribute and the people when they were asked to disappear the land because of the banks. On varlet 34 we see a adept example, Grampa took up the land, and he had to kill the Indians and drive them away. And Pa was inborn here, and he killed weeds and snakes¦An we was born(p) here. There in the door-our children born here. And Pa had to borrow money. The bank owned the land then, provided we stayed and we got a gnomish bit of what we raised. This bedevils us the idea that the land meant everything to them because that is where their family had grown up and th ey had to endure many things to keep the lan! d. a nonher(prenominal) quote was carried on varlet 35, Sure, cried the tenant men, yet its our land. We mensurable it and broke it up. We were born on it, and we got killed on it, died on it. even so if its no good, its silent ours. Thats what makes it ours-being born on it, working it, dying on it. That makes ownership, not a paper with numbers on it.         This bond between land and people is clearly shown in Grampa. On page 121 he tells the other family members that he is not leaving, I aint sayin for you to stay, say Grampa. You go right on along. Me-Im stayin. I give her a goin-over all night mosly. This heres my country. I blong here. An I dont give a godamn if theys oranges an grapes crowdin a fella outa bed even. I aint a-goin. This country aint no good, but its my country¦ After this they header him on how he is going to live and Grampa says on the conterminous page, Godamn it. Im an ol man, but I can still take wield of myse lf. Hows Muley here get along? I can get along as good as him¦Take Granma with ya if ya want, but ya aint takin me, an thats the end of it. Symbolically, Grampa is exsanguine when Al and Tom takes him away. He is stressful to keep the one thing that belonged to him for several years.         There is likewise an example in the book that shows us that the tenant farmers do not know what to do after they leave the land. On page 34 the squatting men talk just about what they can do now, What do you want us to do? We cant take little share of the crop-were half starved now. The kids are hungry all the time. We got no clothes, torn an ragged. If all the neighbors werent the same, wed be ashamed to go to meeting. Also on the same page, The tenant men looked up alarmed. But whatll happen to us? Howll we eat? This shows us how subordinate they are with their land and without it they do not know what ordain happen to them.         Stei nbecks The Grapes of Wrath had many implied themes, b! ut one of the approximately important was the bond between land and people. This book showed us how some people would stay with their land even if they knew something worst was going to happen. Steinbeck probably used the fibre of Grampa to die when he is removed from the land to show people that you should never give up something that belonged to you for many years. When he refuses to leave the land, he is attempting to hold on to the last thing that he understands. The theme about the bond between land and the people is important because here Steinbeck shows that if you keep something of import that belonged to you, you will be happy and have a good hereafter, but if you lose a valuable thing, you will be lost and your future will be crushed. If you want to get a unspoilt essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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