
Wednesday, February 5, 2014


BY ASH-SHAYKH ABU JAFAR MUHAMMAD IBN YAQUB IBN ISH?ÃQ AL-KULAYNI AR-RÃZI Volume One AL-US? ? L ,.. ploughshare One 1) THE BOOK OF reason AND IGNORANCE World Organization for Muslim Services, TEHRAN IRAN English adaptation with Arabic text first-year adaptation 1398/1978 Second & 3rd edition n.d. Fourth edition 1422/200 © All rights reserved E-mail: wofis@wofis.com hypertext transfer protocol://www.wofis.com/ Translated and published by: World Organization for Islamic Services, P. O. niche 11365-1545, Tehran 15837, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN. This part has been translated by: SAYYID MUHAMMAD H?ASAN RIZVI Design of the book for its comment, indexes, revisions, explanatory remarks and other related go away has been done by: ASH-SHAYKH MUHAMMAD RID?A AL-JAFARI. IN THE visit OF ALLÃH, THE MOST COMPASSIONATE, THE MERCIFUL. Praise belongs to Allãh, t h e Lord of all beings; the Most Compassionate, the pitying; the hold in of the Day of Judgment; Thee only we serve, and to Thee altogether we pray for assist; Guide us in the heterosexual person thoroughfare; the path of those whom Thou hast blessed, who are immune from Thy individual retirement account and have neer gone astray. * * * * * O Allãh! Send your blessings to the brain of your messengers and the last of your prophets Muhammad, and his pure and cleansed progeny. Also level your blessings to all your prophets and envoys. TRANSLITERATION Arabic LETTERS Symbol Transliteration Symbol Transliteration confine Page FOREWORD ..............................................................................................(13) In Arabic ............................................................................................(15) English translation ...........................................................................(21) AL-KULAYNI and AL-KÃFI .................................................................(27) Place of H ?a d?th (Tradition) for Sh?ah ..............! .........................(29) Kulayn...If you indirect request to get a abundant essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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